The Book of Daniel – God’s Faithful Witness


The Book of Daniel is a biblical book consisting of an “account of the activities and visions of Daniel, a noble Jew exiled at Babylon.” In the Hebrew Bible it is found in the Ketuvim (writings), while in Christian Bibles it is grouped with the Major Prophets.

PART I: Tales (chapters 1:1–6:29)

1: Introduction (1:1–21 – set in the Babylonian era, written in Hebrew)
2: Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of four kingdoms (2:1–49 – Babylonian era; Aramaic)
3: The fiery furnace (3:1–30 – Babylonian era; Aramaic)
4: Nebuchadnezzar’s madness (3:31–4:34 – Babylonian era; Aramaic)
5: Belshazzar’s feast (5:1–6:1 – Babylonian era; Aramaic)
6: Daniel in the lions’ den (6:2–29 – Median era with mention of Persia; Aramaic)
PART II: Visions (chapters 7:1–12:13)

7: The beasts from the sea and the Son of Man (7:1–28 – Babylonian era: Aramaic)
8: The ram and the he-goat (8:1–27 – Babylonian era; Hebrew)
9: Interpretation of Jeremiah’s prophecy of the seventy weeks (9:1–27 – Median era; Hebrew)
10: The angel’s revelation: kings of the north and south (10:1–12:13 – Persian era, mention of Greek era; Hebrew)
Listen each week to find out more by visiting the Worship Service Audio page.

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