Faith and Fear Can’t Co-exist

2-3fGood Morning Church Family,

Our worries always grow out of our fears. Whether you worry about your kids, your job, or your finances there is a fear behind it.

In Matthew 8, the disciples were afraid of the overwhelming storm so, in their worry, they went and woke Jesus. He responded to them with this question, “Why are you so afraid?” (Matthew 8:26 NLT). Jesus caused them to question their fears. Why? When we feel like our fears are the final authority, they guide our lives. But when we start to question our fears, we begin to realize they are not the final authority God is.

Everyone faces fear but we’re instructed by God through His word not to fear. The question isn’t whether you are or afraid or not, it’s what you do with that fear. When you’re afraid, you will probably choose one of three ways to respond: to live with fear; run from fear; or to face up to fear with faith.

Jesus wants you to face up to fear with faith. John 14:27 says, “I’m leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. And the peace that I give isn’t fragile like the peace the world gives. So don’t be troubled, don’t be afraid” (LB).

Because He Lives, “Acts 20:24”

Scott Collins

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