1 Thessalonians:
In Acts 17:1-10, while on his second missionary journey, the Apostle Paul and his companions established the church in Thessalonica.
After only a brief time in the city, dangerous opposition arose from those who thought Paul’s message was a threat to Judaism.
Since Paul had to leave these new converts sooner than he wanted to, at his earliest opportunity, he sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to check on the church. When Timothy rejoined Paul in Corinth, he had good news: In spite of intense persecution, the Christians in Thessalonica were standing firm in the faith.
Thus, Paul’s primary purpose for writing the epistle was to encourage, comfort and strengthen the church. He also answered some of their questions and corrected a few misconceptions about the resurrection and Christ’s return.
Author of 1 Thessalonians:
The Apostle Paul wrote this letter with the assistance of his co-workers, Silas and Timothy.
Date Written:
Around A.D. 51.
Written To:
1 Thessalonians was sent specifically to young believers in the newly established church in Thessalonica, although in general it speaks to all Christians